Resourceful Raffles

Actual photo of Spa Indulgences Raffle Basket
I had received $50 from my family and little to their knowledge it was the only money I had. I wasn’t going to ask for more. I decided to take the money and see if I could double it. I used $40 of it and made my first raffle basket that was themed Student Care Package. At the time I was in the process of starting College Elite and was also needing startup capital for it as well. I figured maybe I could hit two birds with one stone; doubling what I spent and raising money/advertising for College Elite.
Set aside a small amount of money
Go to the Dollar Tree, Walmart, or any store that has cheap prices
Buy items pertaining to your theme
Go back to your dorm and fix it up, make it look like a professional display, take several photos at different angles
Determine a ticket price (mine was 1 for $3 or 2 for $5)
Post on all social media accounts, tell a friend to tell a friend, ask local stores if you can raffle in front of the store as long as you're not in front of the windows, near the door, or hassling their customers to come over
Tell your cause, set an end time, and a delivery date (whether in person or shipping)
Go live with the draw or post pictures of the winner's ticket
Send it off or hand deliver it
Ask the winner if you can take a picture or if they can post one and tag you

Actually photo of raffle winner
I successfully took $40 and turned it into $340. I was able to keep my $80, and the rest went to College Elite to reinvest in students.
The outcome is different for everyone. You may not want to do raffles. Your theme may be different, and that's ok. Do what suits you and your needs! Whatever you do, you will do great! Don't stress, college is stressful enough!
Please share your success story with us! We look forward to reading them!
Awesome story! Keep up the good work💃💃